I hope everyone had a great weekend and was able to enjoy some of the sunshine.

Of particular note for me last weekend I had an amazing time at Gylly Beach in Falmouth on Saturday morning joining in the Surfers Against Sewage paddle out.

And where better than on our brilliant beach, which last week was awarded a blue flag for cleanliness, water quality, and safety. With pale sand and a blue sea on Saturday, it was easy to see why!

I joined Surfers Against Sewage in 2010 and am still a member today – back then under the last Labour Government only seven per cent of sewage outflows were monitored, they simply did not know the scale of the problem. Thanks to the Conservative Government and the world leading Environment Act we now have 100 per cent of outflows monitored. There’s still a lot to do but through the Environment Act we have passed laws to allow water companies to be given unlimited fines if they don’t clean up their acts, and given Ofwat the powers they need to stop dividends for water companies unless they can prove they are actively working to improve water quality I also sit on the Environmental Audit Committee in Parliament where we are currently doing an investigation into water quality. There is always more to do, but this Government has taken more steps than any before to better understand the water pollution problems we face and then hold the water companies to account on it.

Massive thanks to Giles Bristow and Surfers Against Sewage for hosting this event, and to everyone who came along. The beach was packed, and it was a fantastic atmosphere!

Another highlight of my work for you in Parliament last week was speaking in the debate on support for the South West’s Under 10 metre fishing fleet.

In the debate I spoke about the recently welcomed pollack compensation scheme, which I campaigned hard for along with my Cornish MP colleagues and the need to recognise the importance of the livelihoods of our fishermen against the recreational angling sector. I also reiterated my call for the need for more apprenticeships for the sector to allow more young people to get into this career, and the importance of having local auction sites to sell the fish and ensure our fishermen get the best price for their quality catch. They work ridiculously hard in often dangerous conditions and I believe they should be recognised for this effort.

It was great to see a good cross party debate on what more can be done to support this important fishing fleet made up of small boats which support so many businesses around Cornwall and further afield.

As always, I am fully focused on the job at hand and if there is ever anything at all I can do to help, then please do not hesitate to contact me. Please get in touch with me by email at [email protected], or by telephone on 01872 229698. My regular constituency advice surgeries are held at my office, so please do get in touch should you wish to meet me about any matters that I can be of assistance with.