DEVON and Cornwall’s youngsters are being challenged to create the very best architectural model.  

Each year, PLACE Architects host their ‘architectural model competition’, challenging young people between four and 11 to channel their inner Norman Foster and display their creativity as they bring their vision to life.  

Entrants are asked to create an architectural model of a building they have designed around a central brief.  

The theme of this year’s competition is ‘windows’.  

A spokesperson from PLACE explained: “Build a model that uses at least one window. You can make your model as big as a real window or as small as a pair of glasses. You can experiment with materials, layer them together or paint them, frame them in an interesting way or consider playing with shadow and light. What about using a light source? Does your model require light from a certain angle to look its best? If so, think about how you will show this to the judges- you could position it next to a window for example. 

“Think about what materials you would like to make your model from. Lots of materials are see-through. How about how your window works - does it open or is it fixed? What makes your window special? Maybe its view, or its shape? Perhaps its position on the building or the structure around it that creates the opening? Does a big granite lintel help support the window opening, or a brick arch, an old wonky piece of wood, or a slim steel lintel? Perhaps your window has a special opening lock? Or is it simply very beautiful to look at?”

Residents have until July 4 to sign up for the competition. The judging of the models will take place on July 10 and 11 in Launceston Town Hall, where judges – architects and community leaders, entrants, and members of the public will be able to view the displayed creations.  

Prizes will be awarded to the very best models in the years 4 – 7 category and 8 – 11 category.  

To register your interest, contact: [email protected]