A Newquay woman has won a prestigious award for the third year on the trot after turning her life around.

Sammy Siggery has been named woman of the year 2024 by the Newquay Slimming World group.

The 53-year-old has lost nearly six stone since she started attending the Slimming World group at the Heron Tennis Centre on October 6, 2020, which is run by consultant Penny Boxall. Sammy also reversed her Type 2 diabetes two years ago.

Sammy said: “When I first started Slimming World, I weighed 20 stone, and my life was in danger.

“Slimming World has completely changed my life around. Without Slimming World my Type 2 diabetes would be a lot worse.

“It’s the best decision I made starting Slimming World. I promised my dad‘s best friend I would start losing weight and I kept that promise.

“Penny is a wonderful consultant. She supports me and all my Slimming World friends.

“I want help people change their lives who are in the situation I was in.

“I am so so proud about being healthy. Slimming World is the best thing I ever did. I wouldn’t be where I am today.”