Marine life enthusiasts were given a treat when two Humpback Whales were spotted off the Newquay coastline on Friday.

One was viewed near Towan Headland and the other was watched around Porth Island.

Resident Marie Lepage said: “I was on my way home when I saw a post in Newquay Marine Group, which I’m a member, saying a whale was spotted in Newquay Bay referring to Towan. 

“I ran home to grab my camera and dashed to Lusty Glaze which is my closest view point and saw it breach just as I arrived. 

“I scrambled to get my lens on the camera just as it dove back under and disappeared but luckily after a few minutes it resurfaced. by then a few people started gathering and asking what I was taking picture of and they all started watching out to sea. 

“Luckily the whale made a few more appearances where o managed to capture an image of it before it disappeared. 

“It was later spotted around the Huer’s Hut buts some believe it could be a second whale, as it appeared smaller. 

“I sent off my photos to Dan Jarvis who runs the British Divers Marine Life Rescue who was able to send off the images to be identified.

“They were able to confirm that it is the whale that is called Humpy and is the same one that was spotted around the Isle of Man as well as South Wales. How amazing is that.”

Robert Taylor also filmed a pod of porpoises off the Gazzle on Saturday.