Concerns about noise have scuppered plans to turn one of Cornwall’s most celebrated listed properties into a wedding venue. 

Mr and Mrs A Corbridge applied to change the use of land at Lismore House in Helston to allow for civil wedding ceremonies but a planning committee voted against it.

Lismore, on Cross Street, is most famous for opening its grounds to thousands of people each year as part of the route of the annual Flora Day. 

Cornwall Council’s west sub-area planning committee heard that the applicants wanted to erect a temporary marquee for a maximum of six weddings a year for ceremonies and receptions with catering, bar and toilet facilities. They said it would provide a service to the local area as well as supporting local businesses.

However, the council’s planning department recommended refusal on the grounds that the weddings would have an unacceptable impact on neighbouring dwellings due to noise and disturbance caused by music, guests and vehicle movements.

Almost 150 people commented about the proposals on the council’s planning portal, with 77 supporting and 68 raising objections, including Nicholas Serota, former director of the Tate and current chair of Arts Council England, who was one of those opposing the plan.

Another objector Jonathan Dinnewell told the meeting that all-day wedding events in the heart of a quiet, residential zone within Helston’s conservation area should not be allowed. He said that the “ill-conceived plan” had received overwhelming rejection by “very many dozens of neighbouring residents, many of whom are here today”.

Another resident spoke in favour of the proposals. Kevin Moseley pointed out that the grounds are open to the public on Flora Day, for a Proms in the Park event and on royal occasions “with no problems in the past”. 

Cllr Guy Foreman, local member for Helston South & Meneage, added: “With the cost of living crisis affecting everyone it’s understandable people like the applicants are looking for ways of offsetting the extra cost being forced upon them.”

He said a private party with over 80 guests for the Queen’s platinum jubilee received no complaints, adding: “Guests don’t go to weddings to cause anti-social behaviour and upset neighbours and embarrass the wedding party.”

A proposal for temporary planning permission didn’t get a seconder and the committee voted in favour of the original recommendation to refuse.