WACKY races are being staged in St Mawgan to help keep a 163-year-old tradition alive.

St Mawgan Feast Sports will be held at St Mawgan Playing Field on Wednesday, July 24.

Children’s events will include collecting races, monkey run, apple ducking, sack race, egg and spoon, which start at 1pm, and finish with tug-o-war and pillow fighting at around 5pm.

Adults novelty and fun races for mainly teams of two and four will start at around 6pm and include giant sack, mixed wheelbarrow, giant skis, sack race, mixed hoop, fancy dress, tug-o-war, pillow fighting and sheaf pitching.

There will be trophies and small cash prizes for the winners of overall points, tug o war, pillow fighting and sheaf pitching.

Mike Old from St Mawgan Fest Sports said: “This is a fun community event is traditionally part of Feast Week celebrations in the village of St Mawgan.

“A tradition which has been kept going for 163 years and hopefully many more. Organised wholly by volunteers as a community event open to everyone.

“We do donate some of the proceeds to local groups and charities, so the more we make the more we can put back in to the community.

“A great fun day out for all the family, please come and take part in the fantastic event, again everyone welcome.”

Light refreshments will be available throughout the day, raffle prizes, as well as a barbecue from 5pm.