Victoria Gardens is enjoying a much-needed refurbishment, thanks to funding from Truro City Council’s parks capital maintenance budget.  

Scaffolding and safety fencing has been erected around the Grade II-listed bandstand as part of an ongoing repair and renovation project. 

Erected by WA Baker & Co in 1898, the bandstand sits in the middle of the park which was designed and created to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria.  

Constructed from dressed granite, cast iron and wood with an octagonal tented roof and a granite plinth, the bandstand has iron balustrades with two sun symbols to each side, cast-iron columns to each corner, a spiral twist to dado level and shaped wooden fascia boards.  

Current work will include replacing the roof, guttering and wood facias, recasting the metal areas, carrying out extensive sand-blasting and repairing the stonework. 

Finally, the whole structure will be given a new coat of paint.  

Several individual specialist contractors have been commissioned to carry out different parts of the project rather than using a single company, in a bid to give the council more control over the scheme, support local suppliers and keep costs down.  

“It is fantastic that work is finally going to begin on renovating the band stand,” said Truro mayor Cllr Carol Swain.  

“The bandstand is very well used during the summer, hosting brass band concerts and children’s activities. I look forward to seeing the works completed later in the year.”  

Work is also set to begin on the top pond in the next few weeks. Originally planned to take place during the summer, this project was postponed until the autumn to minimise the impact on wildlife.