TWO people who capsized a boat off Penzance promenade were saved on Sunday, June 9.

RNLI Penlee’s Ivan Ellen launched to a capsized craft with people in the water just before 4.30pm after receiving a tasking request from Falmouth Coastguard.

Gig rowers in Mount’s Bay had seen a small vessel capsized east of the Gear Pole with two people in the sea requiring assistance.

Penlee Lifeboat under the command of Coxswain Patch Harvey and six RNLI volunteers launched immediately and within two minutes had arrived at the scene. One person was quickly pulled onboard the lifeboat while the other person was recovered by a yacht near-by and transferred to the lifeboat.

The two casualties were very cold and showing signs of hypothermia so an ambulance was called, the lifeboat crew kept the casualties warm and one was given oxygen.

Penlee Lifeboat headed back to Newlyn so that the casualties could be warmed inside the lifeboat station until the ambulance arrived.

The lifeboat then re-launched and the crew recovered the vessel and personal belongings and returned to Newlyn.

Coxswain Patch Harvey said: “The actions of the gig rowers informing the Coastguard immediately and the assistance of the yacht helped save two lives, everyone involved did a great job.”