The 45th anniversary of the twinning charter between Truro and French city Morlaix will be celebrated with a special re-signing ceremony on Saturday.

Truro mayor Carol Swain will be joined by the Morlaix mayor Jean-Paul Vermot and two of his deputy mayors for the adjoining towns of Plourin-lès-Morlaix and St Martin des Champs for an official reception, for a formal re-signing ceremony, in the Mayor’s Parlour at 11am.

The re-signing of the charter forms part of a series of activities organised by the Truro-Morlaix Twinning Association, which was first established in 1979, and enlarged in 2005 to include Morlaix’s neighbouring towns.

This long-established friendship has seen groups from the two cities visiting each other every year, and Truro will welcome a contigent of 17 guests from Morlaix between September 12 to 16. Activities will include a visit to Trevaskis Farm on Friday and Lanhydrock on Sunday.

“There is a very strong relationship between both cities, and I am honoured to have been asked to re-sign the charter on behalf of the city of Truro” said Cllr Carol Swain.

Rachel Killick, chair of Truro Morlaix Twinning Association, added: “It’s always an enormous pleasure to re-establish our links with old friends from Brittany and to welcome new ones.”