Truro School’s fifth-formers celebrated a terrific set of GCSE results far above the national average, with over one-third of all grades at 9 or 8 and 19 pupils achieving all grades 9 or 8. Just over half of all grades were 9 to 7, up on last year.

Among the many success stories were diploma scholars Sam, Jessica, Harry and Noah. Sam achieved 11 Grade 9s, the highest possible grade in every subject, while Jessica, Harry and Noah each achieved Grade 9s in at least eight subjects each.

Head teacher Andy Johnson congratulated the pupils, saying: “We are immensely proud of all their achievements, both in exams and outside the classroom. These results rightly reflect their academic abilities, dedication and character. They open exciting doors to courses and opportunities for the years ahead.

“The overwhelming majority of pupils have the grades they need for the next steps they have chosen. We know they have the platform and the confidence to go on and enjoy the excellence delivered through our Sixth Form Diploma program or any other pathway they choose for their future education. Very well done to all.”

Truro School will host an Open Morning on Saturday, October 5 from 9.30am to 12.30pm. Find out more at