MEMBERS of Truro Lions marked the start of the new Lions year over Sunday lunch at Truro Golf Club on Sunday, June 30.

Outgoing president Richard Moore thanked Lions and partners for utilising their outstanding talents in fundraising and service activities including crystal golf, Christmas hampers, Easter eggs, used book sales, cuddly Lions and Stithians Show.

The club also gave many hours of service to marshalling on behalf of Children's Hospice South West, Pencalenick School, the Refuge, Newquay Beer Festival, litter picking and the Memory Cafe. 

Richard presented long service awards to Lions John Comben (30 years), Bill Rudd (40 years) and Alan Chick (50 years). He also gave special thanks to his partner, Beryl, for her help and support over the past year.

Richard presented a cheque of £5,000 to his chosen charity, Penhaligon’s Friends, to guest speakers Nathalie Buckland and Barby Hartley. They gave an overview of Penhaligon’s activities, and explained how they would use the donation for their Memory Days, bringing bereaved families together to spend the day sharing memories of loved ones and creating memories for the future.

Finally, Richard then handed over the president’s chain of office to vice-president Mike Kalis, who handed his existing chain to the new vice-president, Julian Collinson.