Truro Lions Club celebrated its 53rd Charter Anniversary Lunch at the Greenbank Hotel in Falmouth on Sunday, April 7.  

President Richard Moore and his partner Beryl hosted the lunch with distinguished guests district governor Lion James Mathers and his wife Gail, and Truro city mayor Cllr Carol Swain and mayoress Sarah Douglas-Martin.

Other local clubs were represented, including St Austell, Newquay Towan Blystra, Hayle and Penzance. Zone A chair Lion Phil Bunt with his wife Jill were also in attendance.

President Richard thanked all members and partners for their support during his year, with special thanks to Lions Julian Collinson and Geoff Kaye for organising the lunch; Lions Sue Gibbs, Anna Stenning and Liz Barnes for an excellent tombola; and to all guests who came along to celebrate. 

He also described the activities for fundraising, donations and service carried out in his year and thanked the Greenbank team for all their hard work with the room presentation and service for the meals.

The president's speech was followed by a response from Mr Mathers on behalf of Lions Club International. At the end of his speech, Mr Mathers presented Lion vice president Mike Kaliszczak with the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award - the highest award in Lions.

Lion Liz Randall gave the toast to all guests, and Cllr Swain responded. All speeches were well received, with a good sprinkling of humour. Mike Kaliszczak did an excellent job as toastmaster, and ended with a couple of entertaining poems.