The problem of vehicles getting stuck on Towan Beach has continued into the New Year.

A Mercedes owner became the first driver of 2024 to become bogged down in the sand on Saturday afternoon.

But the car’s owner was reportedly not a holidaymaker, which is regularly the case.

They were allegedly locals walking dogs that were boarding with them. 

The 4x4 made several attempts to pull the Mercedes out of the sand before the tide came in but got nowhere as the rope kept snapping.

The AA also turned up but was unable to get the car off the beach.

Andrew Trebilcock was contacted because of the large collection of vintage tractors his family own. He saved the day as his tractor made light work of pulling the Mercedes to safety.

Some people have argued following the incident that the drivers get what they deserve when they become stranded as “common sense” should prevail, but others state signage should be erected warning people not to drive onto the beach due to the soft sand.

Towan is not the only beach in Newquay where drivers become trapped on the sand.

It is a more regular occurrence at the harbour beach as boat owners get into difficulty launching their vessels and also at Porth Beach where there is a car park.

Andrew said: “People all love to say common sense says not to drive on the sand so I can see argument for both sides regarding signage.

“It happens at least couple times a year on Towan Beach and a lot more times down the harbour. Famously the transit van which got completely submerged. 

“I have seen all the vicious comments on social media and people saying they should be charged.

“People suggesting anything from £100 to £1,000. I never charged them a penny. 

“I like to keep the old-fashioned approach that maybe one day we’ll need help of some sort, and someone will return the favour.”