Children in and around St Austell are being given the chance to take up cricket thanks to a supermarket scheme.

The Cornwall Cricket Board has received a £500 donation from the Tesco Blue Token Scheme to provide free spaces for children to take part in the English and Wales Cricket Board All Stars and Dynamos programmes.

The money from Tesco in St Austell will pay for a total of 17 places.

Cricket board spokeswoman Tamsin Chapman-Gunner said: “The All Stars programme provides a fantastic first experience for all children aged five to eight years old where they’re guaranteed eight weeks of jam-packed fun, activity and skills development.

“The programme is designed to introduce children to the sport, teaching them new skills, helping them make new friends and have a great time doing so.

“The Dynamos programme provides a fantastic next step for all those graduating from All Stars Cricket and the perfect introduction for all eight-to-11-year-olds new to the sport.

“Dynamos is all about fun and provides children with a more social offer, focusing on developing the fundamental skills required to play cricket.

“Anyone who wants to sign up to one or both of the national programmes and is on a low income can apply for one of the free spaces on the board’s website:”

Programme leader Chris Anderson said: “A huge thank you to St Austell Tesco and shoppers for helping the Cornwall Cricket Board via the Tesco Blue Token Scheme.

“The £500 raised will assist with providing up to 17 children in the local area with opportunities to take part in summer cricket programmes at cricket clubs.

“The eight-week All Stars and Dynamos programmes will be fully subsidised places - for those in need - to support cricket as a game for anyone and everyone.”

The Cornwall Cricket Board provides adults and children with the opportunity to take part in the sport across the county. It is also the official governing body for all cricket in Cornwall and is responsible and accountable to the England and Wales Cricket Board for the strategic management, development and conduct of the sport.