SURFERS have been taking advantage of the great run of swell to surf the Cribbar, which broke for the third time in eight days on Sunday.
Tom Butler, Rob Fowlie, Dom, Moore, Nick Tiscoe, Nick Bartelot were among the waveriders to tackle the giant walls of water loom up at the reef break.

A number of people watched the drama unfold from Towan Headland.

It was an expensive afternoon for Rob who lost his board after his leash snapped. The board was damaged after it washed onto the rocks.
He previously lost his jetski at the Cribbar on Thursday after the machine developed a mechanical problem.

Rob said: “I had one great wave taking off super late and deep.

“I looked up before attempting to pull into the barrel to see my friend Dom Moore joking with me on the wave for a party celebration wave.
“I headed back out after that wave and got caught by a monster set breaking directly on my head. After the first set wave passed, I could see my palls Nick Tisco and Nick Bartelot getting caught out also, the second wave seem to hit me the hardest breaking my leash and separation me from my board.
“I saw towards the channel and began the long swim home accompanied by Nick Tisco still in tac with his board.
“I keep a selection of long ropes just in case I or anyone else gets into such situations.
“I used the ropes to recover my board from the dark depths of the widow makers jaws.
“The jetski was smashed to bits. It was a right off. We took a bag down there and picked up the bits we could.
“What people might not realise is how heavy it is out at the Criibar. The lip can be the size of a Transit van and when you get hit it can be a shock.”
Video by Luke Raithby.