LOCAL people are being encouraged to give their views on which transport projects in the South West should be prioritised. 

The Draft Peninsula Transport Strategy contains outline details of proposed projects and priorities up to 2030 and beyond. A public consultation is open until February 5. 

Peninsula Transport is a sub-national transport body, bringing together the five lead transport authorities in the peninsula; Cornwall, Devon, Plymouth, Somerset and Torbay. It says its purpose is to transform the economic potential of the region.  Members work closely with key stakeholders from the private and public sector, including public transport operators. The partnership is responsible for defining and delivering the strategic transport priorities for the South West. 

The draft strategy document currently out for consultation has a strong focus on public transport and on making the electric vehicle charging network more reliable and affordable. 

The vision is to create a fully integrated transport network by 2050, on a path to net zero. 

By 2030 the four priority desired outcomes are: 

• Easier journeys: integrating walking and wheeling with the bus and rail network, to make getting around without a car easy. 

• Going electric: affordable zero-emission transport through a reliable electric vehicle charging network. 

• A connected peninsula: safe, reliable and resilient road and rail travel within the peninsula and beyond. 

A spokesperson said: “Transport connections are vital for much of our activity in the South West and so our vision is for an enhanced transport system: more efficient, resilient and cleaner, helping to make the peninsula even better. 

“Getting feedback on the transport priorities for the region will help to shape our activities and focus going forward, and to develop the investment plan which will be published later in 2024. 

“It is vital that our strategy meets the needs of those living, working, doing business and travelling within the peninsula.” 

The draft strategy document has been criticised for containing no reference to the Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry — although it mentions that the enhancement of strategic road links to and through the peninsula is an important priority. 

The Tamar Toll Action Group said: “There is a picture of the Tamar Bridge on the strategy but no reference to tolls being abolished. 

“Q4 of the survey asks if there is anything missing from the strategy.  Please can we ask all our members to complete the consultation and ask for a Toll Free Tamar.”