St Cleer Holy Well and Cross, near Liskeard, is the only example of a well house with an open porch-like design in Cornwall.

Its pillars, capitals and arches are carved with simple mouldings and patterns which were unusual for the 15th century in Cornwall. 

It was probably intended to resemble a high-status saint’s tomb or shrine, and may have been used to display the image or relics of a saint, to be viewed by pilgrims to the site, who would have had access to water from the spring covered by the building through the small double arch at the east end.  

Cornwall Heritage Trust (CHT) acquired the site and took on its management in November 2022.

Historic England has supported the CHT with a grant to enable assessments of the site, tree surgery, some re-pointing, and interpretation to improve understanding and management of the site for future generations.  

CHT chief executive Cathy Woolcock said: “Our charity was founded nearly 40 years ago to address concerns that far too many of Cornwall’s historic places were at risk, and helping remove this site from the Heritage at Risk Register shows just how important that mission remains today.”