St Blazey AOS staged Jack and the Beanstalk at St Austell’s Keay Theatre, directed by veteran local performer Steph Housman.

Alex Pearce stepped into the shoes of leading man Jack, paired with Emma White in her first role as leading lady. 

The show was heavy on comedy, with Mandy Raikes as Silly Billy, Nicky Chapman and Harriet Luke as two halves of Daisy The Cow, and Darren Williams befrocked and bewigged as Dame Trott.

Olivia Coon played Fairy Grow More, with Holly Webb channelling evil as Goblin Snivelling.

Young Beanstalkers Ryan, Josh and Michael completed the cast — not forgetting musical director Nigel Read and choreographer Nicki Murphy, and the behind-the-scenes team delivering sets, sound, lights, props and costumes. 

Reviewer Sheila Vanloo declared: “A great panto is like a well-oiled machine; everyone plays a vital role in bringing a show to life, and St Blazey AOS are a glorious example of getting it absolutely right.”