THE two secondary schools in St Austell have been celebrating their GCSE results.

Poltair School executive headteacher Mark Everett is full of admiration for his pupils’ achievements.

He said: "We are incredibly pleased with this year's fantastic results, which are the best our school has ever had for the third year running.

“The hard work, effort and dedication that our students have demonstrated over the last two years have truly paid off.

“These results are not just numbers; they reflect the remarkable individual achievements and the collective success of our school community.

“The teamwork between families and staff has been incredible. Together, we have navigated the challenges of the past few years, ensuring that our students remained focused and engaged in their studies.

“It’s easy to forget the difficulties they faced, especially with the disruptions caused by covid-19, but our students have risen to the occasion, and we could not be prouder.”

Penrice Academy reported that its pupils had once again performed significantly above national averages in a number of key metrics.

Head of school Tanya Coleman said on the day the results were announced: “It was heart-warming to see so many excited students celebrating their success with their exceptionally proud parents, carers and teachers. There was a real sense of occasion and it is a moment that each student will cherish for the rest of their lives.

“Today marked the end of a memorable five-year journey for the class of 2024 and we are so proud of them. Whilst today’s GCSE results give our students the academic currency they need to pursue future courses and careers, they depart Penrice with so much more than solely grades.

“The cohort of 2024 embraced the rich variety of extra-curricular opportunities, trips, subject options, long-standing school traditions, leadership opportunities and fundraising activities offered. All of these experiences have taught them life lessons that cannot be exclusively taught inside a classroom – life lessons that will truly help them to succeed in their exciting futures ahead!”