The St Austell Cancer Research UK fundraising group has achieved the admirable milestone of raising more than £200,000 for the national charity.  

Heather and Brian Goodman have been toiling since April 2010 to reach this goal, by means of a bi-annual quiz, coffee mornings, bric-a-brac sales and collections at Tesco, the most recent of which raised £750 in a single day just before Christmas.  

“We could not have achieved this wonderful figure without the help and support of many friends,” said Heather. “They provide raffle prizes, make donations and one wonderful couple have held a coffee morning for us for many years. We get a lot of support from the local funeral directors and next of kin, who pass on donations received in lieu of floral tributes – if requested, these can be directed to Treliske for clinical trials.” 

Heather, 76, and Brian, 79, take on “a tremendous amount of organisation and paperwork”. Adds Heather: “Neither Brian nor I take any payment for petrol, paper, phone bills or any other reimbursement for expenses we incur.” 

At £1 each, Heather’s quizzes have raised £18,428 over 14 years. “Our friends sell them for us – some take half a dozen, some take dozens and one particular lady manages to sell well over 100,” says Heather.  “I’ve had responses from as far afield as the Shetlands, and even Buckingham Palace. A friend sent one to the Queen, and her chief lady-in-waiting, Lady Susan Hussey, sent a lovely letter back to say Her Majesty had enjoyed seeing it and thanked us for doing it.” 

The next quiz is animal-themed, and printed copies are due back from HQ. The deadline date for entries is May 31, with a first prize of £10 and two runner-up prizes of £5 each. 

“Most people do it for fun and tell us to put it back into the pot,” said Heather. 

She was motivated to support Cancer Research UK by the plight of her younger sister, Vicky, who died from cancer aged 19. In fact, I have had five family members and four close friends taken by cancer, so that’s why we do it,” she said.  

Again, she emphasised the importance of support from friends. 

“For my 70th birthday, I didn’t want any presents so I took 50 friends out for a meal at the Wyevale Plant Centre, who did us proud,” she said.  “It would be nice for them to see our achievement in print, together with our public acknowledgement and gratitude to them. 

Cancer Research UK’’s South West spokesperson, Alison Birkett, said: “Without volunteers like Heather and Brian, we just wouldn’t be able to do the work we do in helping to beat cancer.  

“Many of us know someone who has been touched by cancer, and the money raised here will help our scientists find more ways to diagnose cancer earlier and to find kinder, more effective treatments. 

“Our thanks to Heather and Brian for all their dedication in raising money and awareness in the region.” 

To help Heather or enquire about the quiz, call 01726 75472.