A CONTENTIOUS issue among town councillors in St Austell during 2024 has been whether or not to buy new robes costing in the region of £2,000 for the town clerk.
Initially, councillors were informed that the robes were around 40 years old and were nearing the end of their useful life.
Members’ views were split on the value of the robes to the community and as a first step they agreed to find out how much repairs would cost.
Councillors subsequently learnt that an expert thought the robes were around 75 years old and that they were beyond repair.
Town clerk David Pooley said he wore the robes approximately three times a year and that the public, on the whole, enjoyed seeing the mayor and clerk robed up for civic events, particularly for Remembrance Day.
Members’ views remained split with some believing the clerk wearing robes at civic events was a tradition that should be continued. Others said that, during times of austerity, the money required for new robes could be better spent elsewhere.
During the decision-making process, a committee recommended not to buy new robes and this recommendation went forward to the full town council.
However, when the full council debated the robes issue the recommendation was overturned.
A council spokesperson told the Voice: “The decision not to purchase new robes for the clerk was a recommendation from the finance and general purposes committee to the full council and at the full council meeting members decided to overturn this recommendation and approved the purchase of new robes.”
The robes were then ordered at a cost of £1,987.50 excluding VAT.
Minutes before the council in December showed a recorded vote, usually a sign of strong feelings, was taken on the issue. The council voted by eight to four in favour of buying the robes.