A fundraiser who has captured the nation’s imagination walking around the UK in his swimming trunks is on the last leg of his journey in Cornwall.

SpeedoMick, aka Michael Cullen, has travelled through Bodmin, St Austell, St Blazey Gate and Wadebridge as part of his 1,000 mile Final Stomp from John O’Groats to Land’s End to towards mental health and suicide prevention.

The Liverpudlian has been given a warm welcome in various places he has visited including the Four Lords in St Blazey Gate.

He was joined by a crowd of people singing 'Always Look on the Bright Side of Life' by Monty Python.

SpeedoMick wrote on his Facebook page: "Massive thank you to The Four Lords public house in #StBlazeygate #Cornwall for such a wonderful reception Cornwall showing me the love. Raising the spirits we're ever we go."

SpeedoMick has so far raised £183,000 toward his £200,000 goal through the Final Stomp fundraiser, which will also see him travel through Newquay, Truro, Portreath, Hayle and Penzance before arriving at Land's End.

He is on track to reach his target of raising £1million walking over 2,500 miles around Britain in a pair of swimming trunks over the past seven years to give back to the charities who helped him through his battle with addiction and homelessness.

SpeedoMick in St Austell (Submitted)

SpeedoMick said: "I take so much inspiration and pride from what people say to me. 

“The amount of amazing people I see on a daily basis stomping round the country is brilliant and getting to stop and talk to them about everything that they have been through and being able to relate with them in one way or another just makes all of this that little bit better. 

"Knowing that I've struggled most of my adult life with mental health but I can help people by doing these challenges is something that I could have only dreamed about but here we are in this crazy world. 

“Sadly after I have finished this next challenge I will be hanging up my Blue knickers for ever more.

“I have spent seven years tirelessly fundraising for charity and I’m a bit knackered now and I also want to spend more time with my loved ones as we don't have them forever do we.

“But it's not over yet we have this last walk to complete before I say goodbye to my stomping days, I'm no spring chicken you know.

“This challenge I’m fundraising for something that is very close to my heart and that is mental health and suicide prevention.

“The donations from this walk will going to our very first Speedomick foundation mental health project's something I have dreamt of doing for a long time now and it will be a dream come true for me to be able to give back to my community and support people who are suffering from mental health.

“Alongside our fundraising on this charity walk the Speedomick Foundation will also be gifting grants to small grass root's charities that support mental health disadvantaged young people and homelessness. 

“These charities our vital in and for our communities and they are usually run by the people in those communities. “Because of this they usually know what support is needed and who needs the support whether it be food, shelter, mentoring health through sports, suicide prevention mental health safeguarding and much more. I am very proud to say that The SpeedoMick Foundation donated a massive quarter of a million pounds to small charities on my last walk. “Essentially the SpeedoMick Foundation is redistributing the donations that I received on my fundraisers by putting it back into the communities of those who supported me and donated on my challenges which is only right.

“Thank you for all your support and your donations for the last seven years. It's been a blast.”

Anyone who wants to make a donation can visit https://gofund.me/e6c6d6f3