PLANS are proposed to construct a new Area Resource Base (ARB) building in Penzance to provide teaching and ancillary accommodation for pupils in need of social, emotional and mental health support.
Pre-application advice is being sought to build the scheme for between 25 and 30 pupils in part of the Mounts Bay Academy campus in Heamoor.
There would also be a new area for parking for around 14 cars, including an electric charging point, drop off space and cycle storage plus associated landscaping.

A spokesperson for the plans said: “Some children and young people with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) attend Area Resource Bases (ARBs).
“These bases are hosted by 21 schools across Cornwall.
“ARBs support pupils with more complex needs.
“Pupils in ARBs benefit from a more individually tailored, specialist provision.
“This can include small group work and access to specialist resources and services.
“One of the many strengths of ARBs is that pupils can still access parts of the mainstream school, as well as having more specialist support.
“The site of the new ARB building sits in the centre of Mounts Bay Academy and is well linked to the other buildings of the school.
“The site lies adjacent to the sports pitch on the east and the multi-use hall to the west. This building is several storeys and considerably larger in mass to the surrounding buildings.
“To the south lies the playing fields and wooded area which the new building should provide visual links to.
“There are also plans for a forest school and outdoor play areas. Potential future linkages will be considered as part of the project.
“Views across the sports fields and woodland area provide opportunities for high quality external breakout that have been considered as part of the RIBA Stage 2 design.
“The site is currently unoccupied with a pleasant aspect to the south and road and path access from the north.
“As such, it is an ideal site to take advantage of passive solar strategies, renewable energy and potentially partial natural ventilation which will all help to reduce the carbon footprint of the building.”