MORE than 100 concerned residents, farmers and business owners have aired fears they will end up like zoo animals in a “glass and concrete prison” if industrial sized solar parks are approved. The giant renewable energy farms could cover an area of mid-Cornwall countryside the equivalent of 900 football pitches.

Carland Action Group held a public meeting in St Erme Community Centre on Tuesday night, primarily to discuss a planning application by Downing Renewable Developments LLP for a 210-acre solar park application in a rural valley at Hendra near Mitchell, between Carland Cross and Landrine.

Fairpark would have a generating capacity of 49.9mw and run for 30 years. There are currently almost 300 public comments concerning proposal PA23/02629 on Cornwall Council’s planning portal, the vast majority of which are against the scheme.

Concerns were also raised about two similar sized solar farms in the same area, at Burthy Row in Fraddon and Tregonning at Dairyland, which have already been approved; and a third at Trelion, St Stephen, which is at the pre-planning stage. Opponents say the solar panels at all four parks could cover 900 acres over a five-mile radius.

Resident Jamie Crossman said the 210-acre Fairpark development would be enclosed by three-metre high fences to keep deer out.

“At the moment we can walk across open fields and enjoy views across to Carn Brea and Probus – that will all be fenced in,” he said. “It screams of a scene from a prison exercise yard.” He said the visual impact would be exacerbated by lighting and CCTV.

He said the valley was abundant with wildlife, including bats, red kites, roe, red and muntjac deer, barn owls and otters.

Mr Crossman added the Fairpark solar farm would be ten times the size of nearby Summercourt and a quarter of the size of Truro, showing the meeting a scale mock-up of how the development would look on a map of the city. It would mean that four of the approved and planned solar parks would equal the size of Cornwall’s capital.

The meeting heard from Ken Evans, who with wife Maggie runs wedding and holiday lets business Hendra Barns in the heart of the proposed solar park site.

Choking back tears, he said: “Since June 2022 our business has been on hold really. We’ve lost a lot of business from people who have found out there could be a solar farm here – we lost four weddings last year. If it’s allowed and customers Google us, all they will see is solar panels – I don’t think we will get any more weddings or holidays because people will be penned in.”

Mr Evans added: “We will be enclosed by a fence – it will feel like living in a zoo rather than open countryside.”

Another resident who became emotional was Alison Dawes, who has lived in the Hendra valley for 22 years – her husband has lived there for 53 years. She said it would feel like living in a 6ft high prison if the solar park and its security fencing were approved.

Mrs Dawes added that the countryside in the area is a sanctuary for walkers, horseriders, dog walkers and others. “This will be a huge industrial development on unspoiled countryside – one of the largest industrial sites in Cornwall. Once it’s approved, our beautiful countryside will be lost, not just for 30 years but forever.”

Nick Dymond, who farms 600 acres at St Erme, said the loss of valuable arable land would be a huge threat to food security in Cornwall and the rest of the UK. “Concrete, glass and tarmac don’t make great crops. We cannot afford to lose farming and the ability to feed ourselves.”

Andrew Stanners, who chaired the meeting, echoed his sentiments: “This part of Cornwall is going to be covered in glass and concrete if these solar parks are approved.” He added that six solar farms in mid Cornwall, currently visible from the A30, would be smaller combined than one of the industrial solar parks.

Cornwall councillor Steve Arthur urged those present not to give up on protesting the application, adding: “These are monstrosities that need to be stopped. We don’t want Cornwall covered in glass.”

Concerns were also raised at the meeting about surface water from the solar park exacerbating an area that already suffers from flooding.

A concerned resident said: “In mid Cornwall, we are being asked to bear an unreasonable burden of development. It’s like this bit of countryside doesn’t count, but it’s our land, it’s where we farm and where we live.

“It’s simply because we are living under the power lines because it’s a quick connection to the grid. It’s not fair and I want Cornwall Council to hear that.”

The Fairpark application could come before a strategic planning committee meeting in May.