Magical interactive games to play on the floor, impressive murals and virtual skylights – the new Trelawny Scanning Suite at Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro (RCHT) is bright and entertaining thanks to bequests made to the RCH Charity.
Patients having MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans can also distract themselves with an immersive video experience – making the challenge of remaining still whilst headfirst in the machine much less daunting.
“We have about 60 patients every day using our three scanners,” said James Shaw, MRI team lead.
“I’ve worked here for the last 15 years and the difference assets like these make to patients is immense.
“Some people get anxious about having an MRI scan but now, from the moment they walk into the Trelawny Suite, there’s a real sense of lightness and calm.

“Children love playing on the interactive floor projection and, rather than staring at a blank ceiling or the nearness of the bore tunnel, everyone can enjoy an illuminated skylight or the visual sensation of swimming with dolphins.
“It is so positive for our team to see our patients generally much more relaxed.”
The suite’s latest installations cost £8,376 and were funded by the RCHT Legacy Fund.
“Leaving a gift in your will is a wonderful way of helping us improve the patient experience,” said fundraising manager Karen Murrish. “Every bequest, however large or small, helps advance care in Cornwall for generations to come. I watched one little girl playing on the interactive floor before her appointment and it was a real joy to see her smiling and laughing – clearly captivated by the magic under her feet. Waiting rooms can be scary places so anything we can do to reduce the anxiety has to be beneficial.”