The Cornish Seal Sanctuary has started 2024 with three new additions as it welcomes a family of young Eurasian beavers to Secret Creek.

The kits, who are less than a year-old, arrived at the sanctuary as orphans from Scotland and have been re-located by the Beaver Trust.

The Cornish Seal Sanctuary previously had to other beavers – Norbert and Barbara – but they have moved to a new home at Poole Farm in Devon following a successful rehabilitation.

Tamara Cooper, curator for the Cornish Seal Sanctuary, said: “It’s a really exciting time for the Cornish Seal Sanctuary; our beaver habitat makes up a vital part of our conservation work, and to see this wonderful success from our rehabilitation project has just been incredible.

“Now, we’re thrilled to be starting the next phase of this project with our three new beaver kits, and we can’t wait to see what they create with this space.”

The youngsters are living in the charity’s beaver nursery, which has been specifically built to home kits who are not quite ready to live in larger woodland areas. This area will allow the trio to build the skills necessary to survive as adults.

Later, they will move into the larger beaver habitat next door, where they will be able to build dams, lodges and shape the woodland area for their needs.

Dr Roisin Campbell-Palmer, head of restoration at Beaver Trust, said: “During some regular trapping to translocate a family of beavers unfortunately flooding made it impossible to find the parents of these three kits. So, we’re glad to be working with the Cornish Seal Sanctuary who are able to offer a temporary home for these kits until they are big enough for onward release elsewhere in the country.

“Partnerships like these are fundamental to maintaining high welfare standards in beaver restoration.”

Beavers are known as a ‘keystone species’, as their natural behaviour has a big impact on our landscape and wildlife. By damming waterways, beavers pool water, creating new wetland and attracting wildlife, which in turn provides a home and water source for many species. 

The Cornish Seal Sanctuary is currently running a competition to name the young beavers.