RNLI lifeguards have issued a safety warning to be aware of the dangers of rip currents following a number of incidents including six people being rescued at Watergate Bay.

Conditions were difficult with big surf creating lots of water movement when RNLI lifeguards on duty noticed a family of four were in difficulty after a wave took them out of their depth on Saturday, July 6 at around 2pm.

The lifeguards immediately responded, entering the water on rescue boards and securing the casualties.

They were returned to shore safely and lifeguards carried out casualty care checks.

One of the casualties became ill while they were recovering on the beach so paramedics were called, and they were taken to hospital for further assessment.

Two other people were spotted struggling in the same strong rip current at the same time as the rescue took place. Other lifeguards in the team responded with a rescue tube, bringing them back to shore.

Elsewhere at Crantock beach, RNLI lifeguards worked with Newquay RNLIs volunteer lifeboat crew to rescue two kayakers who had got into trouble off Pentire Headland on Saturday, July 6.

RNLI lifeguards at Crantock had spotted two people getting into the water at West Pentire, the left side of the beach, on an inflatable kayak and soon they got into difficulty drifting towards rocks.

They launched the rescue water craft from Crantock and contacted Falmouth coastguard for assistance who tasked Newquay Lifeboat to help with the rescue.

When the lifeguards arrived one casualty was still on the kayak and the other was in the water next to the rocks swimming back towards it.

The lifeguards supported the pair as they tried to paddle their kayak to safety, but they were drifting back towards the rocks. The lifeguards decided to get them both onto the rescue water craft and abandoned the kayak.

It was unsafe to take the casualty back to shore with the waves breaking against the rocks so, working with their lifeboat colleagues, the RNLI lifeguards brought the casualties to safer water, where they could be handed over into the care of Newquay RNLI.

Newquay RNLI returned the casualties back to the lifeboat station where they were monitored before being released.

RNLI lead lifeguard supervisor for Newquay, Lewis Timson, said: “I’d like to commend our lifeguards at both Watergate and Crantock who did great work to respond quickly and efficiently to rescue several people who had got into difficulty in strong conditions.

“The incidents are reminders to people of the dangers of the coast. If you do find yourself in a rip current, remember to swim parallel to the shore until free of the rip current, don’t fight against it.

“If you’re coming to the beach this summer, please swim between the red and yellow flags.

“If you get into difficulty, stay calm and float to live - fight your instinct to thrash around, lean back, with your ears submerged in the water, extend your arms and legs, and float.”

The RNLI is reminding people to be aware of rip currents and what to do if you find yourself in one.

The advice if you get caught in a rip current is:

Don’t try to swim against it or you’ll get exhausted. - If you can stand, wade don’t swim. - If you can, swim parallel to the shore until free of the rip and then head for shore. - Always raise your hand and shout for help