RESIDENTS have been urged not to fly-tip their garden waste into a Newquay community garden.

Grass cuttings and earth have been reportedly dumped at Polwhele Permaculture Garden, which poses an “environmental risk.”

Newquay Town Council, which has awarded funding to a local CIC group Urban Micro Farming to transform two parcels of land behind Polwhele Road into a community garden, said: “We need people’s help to protect Polwhele Permaculture Garden.

“It's disheartening to see garden waste being fly-tipped there. Not only does it spoil the natural charm of our beloved garden, but it also poses environmental risks. 

“Fly-tipping garden waste is not just an inconvenience, it's illegal. Let's all do our part to keep our community clean and green.

“Please dispose of your garden waste responsibly and help preserve the beauty of Polwhele Permaculture Garden for everyone to enjoy.”

The community garden will feature accessible footpaths, a variety of plants and trees genetically and aesthetically related to Newquay, bee forages and herb harvesting, fruit trees, shrubs and herbaceous ground to supply people and wildlife with fresh food, ponds to act as a water supply for the site but also beneficial to wildlife, a wildlife corridor, self-pick berry rows, and an urban garden area.