RESIDENTS are kicking up a stink about the amount of dog poo being left around Newquay.

Porth Residents Association is urging dog owners to be more responsible and would like to see Newquay Town Council’s Town Rangers clamping down on the issue.

The authority currently does not have anyone in the post issuing fixed penalty notices to dog owners not clearing up after their pets, which is believed to be playing a part in the growing problem.

The resident’s association is due to raise the dog poo issue at the next town council environment and facilities meeting on Tuesday, February 11.

Porth Residents Association says there is a particular problem of dog poo not being picked up at Porth Beach and surrounding footpaths.

A spokesperson said: “It seems we have a real problem with our dog’s owners in Newquay, not just on beaches but in the town, green spaces and footpaths.

“It's like an epidemic. It's also an offence.

“I've spoken to the town council who said despite advertising no one wants the jobs as a dog warden.

“Most of us love living in such a stunning location so why do some of our dog owners think it's okay to leave their dog's poo on the beach or even worse bag it up and leave it in some obscure place like the rocks.

“This time of year, we can't blame the holidaymaker as there are only a few around so they must be local.

“I don't understand why people want to ruin the environment. Dog poo is also a hazard for walkers and children. Most dog owners are responsible people who know how to look after their dogs on the beach. If a dog owner forgets a poo bag, I'm sure another dog owner would be happy to give them one.

“Please can I ask everyone who walks on Porth beach and surrounding footpaths to pick up their dog’s poo and bag it up.

“There are bins both sides of the beach and on the footpaths so no excuse. Between us let's make Porth Beach the cleanest dog poo free beach.”

Mayor Cllr Drew Creek stated the town council is actively looking to recruit a Town Ranger.

Cllr Creek said: “We have recruited for that role, but we do not have any wardens currently.

“They were previously called enforcement officers but changed the name to Town Rangers to attract more applications.

“We did recruit someone, but we had to let them go due to extenuating circumstances beyond our control.

“The are still actively recruiting and exploring other options to get coverage for this role as soon as possible.

“I do agree the amount of dog mess in Newquay is a problem.

“I would encourage dog owners to act responsibly, and the lack of enforcement has not helped the situation.

“The fact Cornwall Council does not provide any dog wardens anymore does have an impact and dog poo is not something we want to see in Newquay.

“We want to see responsible dog owners clearing up after their dogs.”