Residents escaped a blaze at a flat above a takeaway in Newquay town centre on Saturday morning after their smoke detectors raised the alarm.

Crews from Newquay and St Columb fire stations attended the blaze in the top flat above Istanbul Grill on Cliff Road at about 4.25am.

Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus used a hose reel jet to extinguish the blaze in the bathroom of the property. They believe a washing machine could be to blame for causing the fire.

One appliance and an officer remained at the scene to monitor hot spots. 

The scene of the blaze (Newquay Fire Station)

A spokesman for Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service said: “Critical Control began receiving 999 calls at 4.25am reporting a flat on fire above a retail outlet in Cliff Road, Newquay.  “Two appliances were immediately mobilised from Newquay Community Fire Station, along with a whole time officer for support. 

“In addition to this, based on further information from further calls, a third appliance was mobilised from St Columb Community Fire Station.  “Upon arrival, crews confirmed smoke was issuing from a top floor flat and that all persons were accounted for. Luckily smoke alarms had raised the occupants.”

Residents are now being reminded to check smoke detectors are fitted and working correctly. 

Lee Beresford, Watch Manager of Orange Watch at Newquay Community Fire Station is also calling on residents to check white goods. It's not yet known if the washing was on a recall list but he is urging people to check sources like the government website recall section and other consumer sites. 

He said: “If you need advice on smoke detectors or would like a home fire safety check please call the station.

“We advise that white goods are not left unattended.”

People can check if your appliance has been recalled at