Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg has entered the debate about the phantom pothole filler of Cornwall, who received national media coverage at the weekend.
His comments have been slammed by the Cornwall councillor who first brought the concrete-filled crater to the public’s attention last week.
An anonymous and frustrated Lostwithiel resident took the law into their own hands last week and filled in a sizeable pothole in the Tanhouse Road / Bodmin Hill area of the town. The road, which had been closed since the beginning of April due to the hole, was unofficially reopened by the mysterious repairer.
However, Cornwall Council’s roads repair company Cormac closed the road again and doesn’t intend properly repairing it until they’ve caught up with a backlog of pothole repairs across Cornwall. The road is now expected not to reopen until early June.
In correspondence, a Highways Cornwall manager asked for information leading to the identity of the person who had carried out the work. They said: “Any work carried over the weekend was not carried out by our team at Cornwall Highways, and therefore we assume that works carried out to the highway surface, and any removal of the road closure signs and associated temporary infrastructure was done so by persons unknown, without consent. If information regarding who carried out the works becomes known in the community, I would be grateful if details could be shared.”
Sharing a national newspaper’s version of the story highlighting the local authority’s “hunt” for the perpetrator, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Conservative MP for North East Somerset, said: “The bureaucratic state hates being humiliated so resorts to bullying the good citizen.”
However, his comments have been criticised by Cllr Colin Martin, Liberal Democrat councillor for Lostwithiel and Lanreath, who highlighted the unofficial work last week.
He said: “The Conservatives would love nothing more than to see a battle of ‘the public’ vs ‘the public sector’. Dividing society into ‘hard working taxpayers’ and ‘incompetent bureaucratic elites’ is a classic populist tactic, which distracts from their own mismanagement and underfunding, and encourages voters to blame public sector workers for the problems they are valiantly trying to fix.”
Speaking at a Cornwall Council cabinet meeting last week, Connor Donnithorne – portfolio holder for transport – said the council had received an additional £5m from the Government towards its “pothole fund” adding to a £12m spend on mending potholes and other road repairs in Cornwall each year. Fellow cabinet members commented how Cornwall’s roads compare favourably with other areas of the country.
A spokesperson for Cornwall Council said of the Lostwithiel pothole: “There is an ongoing issue with drainage at this site which has led to the deterioration of the road surface. These drainage issues have meant that any surface repairs during the winter have been temporary. As we are now moving into warmer and drier weather, Cormac can programme in the permanent drainage and surfacing repairs needed at this site. The road is now closed and will remain so until this work can be carried out.”