ORGANISERS have confirmed a record attendance of more than 10,000 people to this year’s Liskeard Show.

The sun-blessed event at Merrymeet on July 13 also saw a record 164 trade stands and excellent numbers in the livestock classes.

“We were blessed with perfect show weather,” said secretary Beckie Breyley.

WINNERS in the Cornish Food and Drink competition
WINNERS in the Cornish Food and Drink competition ( )

“It was buzzing all day with main ring entertainment, side shows, exhibitors, trade stands, music, Cornish food and drink, craft and shopping, along with the well known ‘Sheep Show’. It was wonderful to see everyone having a good time.

“The livestock classes were all very well supported in particular the Sheep section where over 730 were exhibited, the most the show has seen in many years.

“The Show also held the National Show for the Devon & Cornwall Longwool Breed and this was won by Kit Hill Arnie, a two and a half year old ram bred and exhibited by the Tancock family.”

100-year-old show president Pauline Martin presented prizes to competition winners on the day and was delighted to be transported around the showground in a Gator
100-year-old show president Pauline Martin presented prizes to competition winners on the day and was delighted to be transported around the showground in a Gator ( )

Headline competition results were:

Champion Beef: Peter and Ashley Rowe with their South Devon Lumbylaw Quintus 14.

Champion Dairy: Les and Tracy Rockett with their Ayrshire Greenway Ross Great Jubilee.

Champion Sheep: Brandon Roth for the third year running with his Suffolk shearling ewe.

Champion Horse: Diptford Graceful exhibited by Fiona Dymond.