PEOPLE certainly showed the colour of their money after a record-breaking £100,000 was raised at Cornwall’s brightest fun run held at RAF St Mawgan on Saturday.
A colourful crowd of 1,500 people took part in the Children’s Hospice South West’s (CHSW) Rainbow Run, which returned for it’s 10th birthday.

Participants of all ages ran, jogged and walked the 5km route, through eight coloured paint stations, around the airbase’s training ground and got covered in powder paint of all colours of the rainbow, including their newest turquoise colour.

The money raised will help provide care to children and young people with life limiting conditions supported by CHSW’s Little Harbour hospice in St Austell.

Entertainment was provided on the day from Absolute Amusements UK, Absolute Bubble Football, DJ in Cornwall, Elements Plymouth Taiko Band, Rock Choir Cornwall and Versatile Fitness Cornwall.
Cpl Dom Main, 35, who is a survival equipment expert at RAF St Mawgan, once again played a key role in organising the event. In addition to his busy role of preparing survival equipment to train Aircrew from across the whole of Defence, Dom was able to find time outside of his day job to make the event a success.
Reflecting on the day Dom said, “I wanted to give something back to the local community and had heard of the CHSW and what a worthy charity they are. As the role has progressed over the three years, I have become lead organiser for the RAF, helping the Station provide volunteers whilst co-ordinating the set up and break down of the event, sponsors and a whole host of other tasks. This is something I really enjoy.”
Air Commadore Polly Perkins, the Regional Air Officer for the Southwest said; “Once again the entire Station at RAF St Mawgan has got behind raising funds for this wonderful event in its 10th Anniversary Year.
“The Children’s Hospice Southwest do an amazing job of supporting children and their families during tremendously difficult times. The Station is committed to continuing to support the annual rainbow run and I know that with Corporal Dominic Main on point, and the whole Station behind him that it will continue to grow and raise much needed funds.”
As the participants crossed the finish line they were met greeted by the Station Commander who issued a well-deserved medal, added to the feeling of accomplishment and community that was shared by everyone involved.
Reflecting on the day, Wg Cdr Simpson Said; “We are really grateful to be able to help our whole community come together for this brilliant event, and to support a charity who touches the hearts of everyone who knows the incredible work they do. We look forward to continuing to support as much of our Cornish community as we possibly can."
Kiley Pearce, events fundraiser for CHSW said: “We have had the most wonderful day celebrating the 10th birthday of this brilliant event.
“Participants have taken part in pass the parcel and have had birthday cake, and the day has been full of happiness.
“We couldn’t do this without Ann’s Cottage, our other incredible event sponsors, the amazing team at RAF St Mawgan and all of our suppliers and volunteers. Thank you also to the wonderful family members from Little Harbour who spoke today and took part, it has been truly special.”

Little Harbour supports more than 130 families from across Cornwall and Plymouth through day visits to, and resilience stays at the hospice as well as home visits and virtual support. It costs around £3-million a year to run Little Harbour which relies almost entirely on voluntary donations.
Ann’s Cottage celebrated the tenth year of being the main event sponsor, and paint station sponsorship was also provided by: Steve Andrews Tyres and Autocare, Biffa, David Ball Agencies, Happy Days Nurseries, Kernow Coatings, Moose Toys and James Hallam Insurance.

Anyone who took part in this year’s event can pay their sponsorship at or call Little Harbour on 01726 871 800.