Experts from Black’s Outdoor retail have revealed the best UK wild swimming spots with Goldiggins Quarry on Bodmin Moor being named as the sixth best places to visit. 

Goldiggins is a spring-fed quarry dating back to the 19th century. Inaccessible by car, visitors can start at the Hurlers car park in Minions and follow the vehicle track heading north up onto the moors and pass the stone circle to see it. 

Ranked number one on the list was the Blue Lagoon in Snowdonia and second was Gaddings Dam in West Yorkshire. 

Natalie Byrne, content marketing manager at Blacks, said: “While it may be tempting to jump into a body of water in these temperatures, it is important that you understand your swimming abilities. Wild swimming can be and is very dangerous if you have not trained properly.

"Always pay attention to “No Swimming” signs and even if you have been swimming in the same spot for years, always be cautious, as open bodies of water can change significantly- even in a short period of time.”