Schools in Cornwall were the scene of pupil protests yesterday.

And at Penrice Academy, St Austell, there were reports that protests got out of hand, with some pupils flipping over tables and damaging fences.

There were protests all over the country, sparked by new rules over toilet breaks - Penrice hit the headlines this month over reports that girls had been asked to use red cards to seek comfort breaks when having their period. 

Reportedly, hundreds of pupils across the year groups at Newquay’s Treviglas Academy also took part in the student-led protest.

One report said boys and girls daubed their faces and shirts with red paint, and some refused to return for lessons after the lunch break.

Penrice Academy, in a letter to parents, said the protest followed a social media post. Some parents had been asked to collect their children and take them home.

The letter read: “Our students have the right to express their opinions in a calm and safe manner, however a small number of students' behaviour was unacceptable.” 

And the school said of students: “We hope to engage with them to find a solution that works for everyone as soon as possible.”