A protest was held today (Saturday 18th)) to oppose works getting underway to concrete the cliff at Whipsiderry Beach.

More than 150 campaigners held a demonstration against the cliff reinforcement works that are needed before seven villas can be built above on the site of the former Paradise Hotel.

Friends of Save Our Cliffpath and the local community gathered to voice their anger how the Government body Marine Management Organisation granted a marine licence for the works to proceed despite the application being objected by Newquay Town Council, Cornwall Geological Society, the Environment Agency, Natural England and more than 350 residents.

Waving various banners stating Keep Whipsy Wild, Cliffs Not Concrete, banging drums and chanting ‘Say No to the MMO’ and ‘Save Our Cliff,’ they called for the development to be stopped.

(Warren Wilkins / The Voice)

They want the MMO to withdraw its permission for the works to proceed.

Geologist Guy Horsley predicated at the protest the cliff could collapse causing a “catastrophe” due the cliff face being composed of a soft rock.

Protestors oppose the development over concerns a section of the cliff path would be lost to make way for the scheme and the damage it will cause wildlife including Choughs, Fulmars and bats.

Save Whipsiderry protest (Warren Wilkins / The Voice)

The protest was held following works getting underway to excavate a cave at the bottom of the cliff ahead of the cliff being concreted.

A digger was lowered down onto the beach by a huge crane on the development site.

Read Wednesday’s Newquay Voice for the full article.