A protest and counter-protest over asylum seekers being housed at a Newquay hotel passed without major incident on Saturday.

Hundreds of anti and pro-refugee demonstrators stood on either side of the road outside the Beresford Hotel at Narrowcliff where around 200 asylum seekers are staying whilst their applications are being processed by the Home Office.

Insults were thrown from either side of the road and a couple of eggs during the protest. Protestors were also stopped by the police from crossing the road to confront counter-protestors but no arrests were made.

counter-protestors gather outside the Beresford Hotel (Submitted)

Counter-protestors gathered outside the hotel ahead of the planned protest at 11am.

They outnumbered the protestors and waved placards stating ‘Cornwall Against Racism, banging drums and chanting "Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here" they drowned out those who oppose the asylum seekers being housed there.

Protestors explained they were gathering over alleged incidents of women and children being followed in Newquay by asylum seekers.

Others wanted to protest against asylum seekers being housed and cared for in Britain while many people are suffering from the cost of living crisis.

Counter-protestors accused them of being "fascists" which many of the protestors refuted.

A large police presence was in attendance including specialist public order officers to ensure the protests remained peaceful.

They had a drone in the sky to get a birds eye on view on what was happening below.

Many asylum seekers watched on from their bedroom windows and from the foyer of the hotel as the protest unfolded and eventually petered out by nightfall.