The Liberal Democrats in Cornwall are celebrating this morning after winning another seat at Cornwall Council in a by-election.

John Martin has been elected as the new councillor for Long Rock, Marazion and St Erth.

The by-election was called following the resignation of Conservative councillor Tara Sherfield-Wong who had attracted criticism after being accused of not turning up to meetings. Five parish councils complained that she had not attended meetings and she resigned last year citing health reasons.

The election saw a significant shift to the Lib Dems who secured almost 22 per cent more of the vote compared to the elections in 2021. Cllr Martin, who is a Helston town councillor, had previously been a Cornwall councillor but lost his seat at the last elections in 2021.

Share of the vote in the by-election was as follows (change compared to 2021 in brackets):

John Martin, Liberal Democrat 811 votes 45.4% (+21.9%)

Will Elliott, Conservative 503 votes 28.1% (-8.2%)

Catherine Hayes, Green 243 votes 13.6% (+2.5%)

Nastassia Player, Labour 230 votes 12.9% (+1.2%)

Newly elected Cllr Martin said: “I am thrilled to have been chosen as the representative for Long Rock, Marazion and St Erth. This result clearly shows that people are fed up of being taken for granted by the Conservatives. They want a councillor who will listen to the residents and show up to represent them.

”The result also sends a message of discontent about the proposed imposition of a Mayor for Cornwall. The plan would put too much power in the hands of one person, cost a significant amount of money and won’t offer Cornwall the proper devolution that it needs.”

The victory increases the number of seats that the Lib Dems have at New County Hall, they now have 14 councillors in their group. Whilst it is a loss for the Conservatives they recently gained a councillor after Paul Wills joined the Conservatives having previously been an independent councillor.

As a result the council is now made up of 47 Conservatives, 15 Independent, 14 Lib Dems, 5 Mebyon Kernow, 5 Labour and 1 Green.