A police operation launched in Bodmin to tackle anti-social behaviour hotspots and prevent serious violence has been deemed a success.

Operation Loki, which began earlier this Autumn, saw alcohol, drugs and weapons seized as part of the police intensification activity.

There were several arrests for a mixture of offences over several days of high visibility patrols, mostly drugs offences but also possession of a bladed article, drug driving, someone who was wanted on warrant and a prolific shoplifter who was charged and remanded in custody for six months. 

Officers went into schools and colleges to talk to pupils about the dangers of knife crime and raise awareness at special assembly events. 

A successful test purchasing operation was also staged where young test purchasers visited retailers to try and buy different sharp items such as knives and tools. 

The Neighbourhood Policing Team was supported by specialist resources from the Devon & Cornwall Police force operations and investigation teams during Operation Loki, which was organised after residents raised concerns.

Police also worked with partner agencies to address public concerns and keep the community updated.  

The initiative saw both uniformed and plain clothed officers carrying out stop checks and engaging with the public to increase engagement and allow the community to have their say, as well as responding to concerns and questions.  

Inspector Adam Stonehill, who heads up the Bodmin & Wadebridge police sector, said: “The operation was well received by the public and we had positive feedback about the work of our officers. 

“As well as the arrests we also had a very significant closure order granted under anti-social behaviour legislation of a residential property that had been an issue for the local community. 

“We also had multiple information and intelligence submissions which allows us to build plans for further operations in the future.

“There was also a very successful test purchasing operation as part of the ‘Challenge 25’ initiative. 

“Young test purchasers were asked to visit different specific retailers to try and buy different sharp items, for example knives and tools. 

“The operation was run by the local neighbourhood police teams across Bodmin, Wadebridge and Padstow as well as an increased emphasis put on school engagement which has proven to be very productive.”