A police officer who is from Bodmin has joined the National Neurodiversity Youth Council, a project led by young people aged 16 to 24. 

PC Declan Thomas said: “I am very pleased to be part of this fantastic opportunity going forward! 

“My personal experience with neurodiversity has had a tremendous impact on my life growing up, ultimately shaping me into the person I am today. 

“If the information that is easily accessible now was available when I was growing up, the support that I could have received would have been life changing not only for me but for others associated and involved towards the very complex needs that surround an individual. 

“Whether that is being a teacher, understanding how your actions can leave a long-lasting impression, or a friend who just understands why you might perform certain actions in a different way rather than how they might. 

“Being a part of this project means we can be an early intervention to encourage conversation and try to break down the barrier and stigma around neurodiversity that is still prevalent in our social life, work life and communities.” 

PC Thomas and PC Paige Donaldson have been selected to join the council and will be supported by PC John Holland from the Devon and Cornwall Police performance and inclusion team. 

PC Donaldson said: “Entering the force with potential neurodiversity was very overwhelming for me, yet the support I received massively reassured me. I am delighted to have the opportunity to take part in this project, support others with similar experiences to myself and share the awareness neurodiversity needs within society and policing.”

A force spokesperson said: “Creating a diverse and inclusive workforce is essential to meet our policing vision for the future.”