A bright green Amazon parrot called Kiki will set out on a 240-mile bicycle journey on the handlebars of Paul Blowers. Together with Paul’s son Sam and brother-in-law Mel, they’ll raise funds for Asthma and Lung UK on Monday, June 10, in memory of Mel’s grandson Gavin Hocking, who tragically died from an asthma attack aged just 17. Kiki already enjoys the wind whistling through his feathers as he rides on Paul’s bike near his Hampshire home. Now he is set for his longest journey yet – a marathon,  five-day journey from Abergavenny in Wales to Camborne. Paul, whose two sons Sam and Ben are also asthma sufferers, said: “One in five of us will develop a lung condition during our lifetime. Asthma nearly took Sam’s life when he was young, but he was saved, thanks to advances in medicine. Sadly, Gavin was not so fortunate. Along with his grandad, Mel, and other family members, we will ride in his memory. “Abergavenny is where Mel lives and Gavin’s home was in Camborne, so cycling between the two towns seemed the most appropriate journey to undertake.” At 74, Mel Sussex is the most senior rider in the family team. “I am also an asthma sufferer, but I’m riding to honour Gavin’s memory and to highlight the vital work of Asthma and Lung UK in the fight for everyone’s right to breathe,” he said.

“I particularly want to raise money for children who suffer from this debilitating condition. Every pound we raise will take us a step closer to a world where everyone has healthy lungs.” To support Kiki and his non-feathered peloton, visit: www.justgiving.com/page/mel-sussex-1708679509348