PLANS to create a new play park for children living in central Newquay are in full swing.

Newquay Town Council’s environment and facilities committee has voted to ring-fence £50,000 of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding to explore the potential of installing a play park in Mount Wise Gardens subject to the land being devolved from Cornwall Council.

Mayor Cllr Drew Creek said: “The children of central Newquay don’t actually have a play park at all. They can go to Atlantic Road play park, or they can go to the park at Mayfield or go down to Trenance Valley.

“But I think it would be nice to see a play park for the children of central Newquay so I would like to propose the officers explore and cost a play park on the land at Mount Wise Gardens which is subject to devolution, and I would like us to ring-fence £50,000 of CIL funding to that project. We would need match-funding for the CIL funding.”

Newquay central Cornwall councillor Louie Gardner stated he supports the play park idea but has reservations.

He said: “I’m supportive of the idea but there are 22 play parks in Newquay. Granted not many of them are in the centre.

“We would be ring-fencing money when we don’t know when we could spend it. We don’t know a devolution timeframe.

“It can take years and years to devolve land from Cornwall Council.

“The new play park at Trenance is costing £152,000. The play park at Treloggan costs us £120,000. You need £100,000 plus. There is no point ring-fencing £50,000.”

Cllr Andy Hannan added: “I’m not against the idea at all but to me if we ring-fence the money this project could be way down the road.

“We have seen how devolvement can drag out a long time and are we not going to tie our hands if another project comes up that is more deliverable, quicker and needed by the public.

“If we tie up the CIL money and can’t get out of that I couldn’t support it. If there was a get out, I could support it.”

Cllr Creek said: “There is a point to ring-fencing CIL money. Cornwall Council are saying we need to allocate and spend our CIL funding. Having spoken to the clerk that was what was advised.

“I’m struggling to see why it is not good idea not to have a play park for the children in the centre of Newquay.”

The committee also agreed to look into the potential cost of either replacing or refurbishing some of the play equipment in the enclosed area at South Fistral play park.