A public consultation event will be held on Wednesday, April 10 to outline proposals for a new mixed-use scheme in the centre of Truro.

The site for the proposed new scheme is The Railway Tavern on Station Road which is due to close in September 2024. Cornish developer Treveth has acquired the site and invites the local community to an informal drop-in session from 2pm to 7pm at the Truro Community Fire Station in Station Road (TR1 3HA).

Next to Truro’s main railway station, the site would be transformed into student accommodation including up to 50 beds, and a 400sqm commercial space to serve the neighbouring community - likely to be a convenience store generating up to 20 new jobs.

The event seeks to provide some detail around the proposals and provide an opportunity for local people to talk to the team and provide feedback on the scheme.

Tom Davey, development manager at Treveth, said: “This is Treveth’s first specific student scheme and aims to help resolve a significant shortage of high-in-demand student accommodation in Truro. This will, in turn, free up existing housing stock for local people in a key area of Truro.

“The provision of a convenience store will bring a new amenity to the locality, providing more opportunities and better employment space.”

The event is the first opportunity for local people to view the plans and provide feedback ahead of a full planning application being made to Cornwall Council. Attendees will be able to see display boards highlighting what the development could look like, and offering more information about the types of accommodation that will be on offer.

There will be an opportunity to submit feedback at the event. Alternatively, interested parties can complete an online questionnaire at www.treveth.co.uk/railway-tavern, where the plans will also be available online from Wednesday, April 10 to Friday, April 26.

To request further information or consultation materials in a different format, call 01872 706010 or email [email protected]

Treveth was launched by Cornwall Council in 2019 to create new open-market homes, sustainable communities and commercial developments. It is the development manager for the £160m project to transform Pydar Street into a multi-use space.