PLANS have been proposed to build seven new homes in Mitchell.

David Cullen Homes has submitted pre-application advice for outline planning permission for seven new houses on land to the rear of Wellesley Farm House.

The proposed development is for an infill residential scheme on unmanaged disused land.

The scheme would consist of two blocks of two semi-detached two-storey, four-bedroom houses, and a terrace of three semi-detached two-storey, three-bedroom homes.

Each dwelling has been allocated a “generous private amenity space suitable for its level of occupancy” plus parking. The dwellings would directly benefit from open green spaces.

A planning statement says: “The application site is currently disused open green space, set back from the main road and buildings.

“It is considered the site lies in a highly sustainable and accessible location with good connectivity to the road and public transport network.

“The proposed development will comprise a mix of housing of that will be a valuable contribution to meeting the housing need in the Mitchell.

“This document clearly details proposals for a considered and sensitive residential development that reflects the distinct character of the conservation area at Mitchell.

“The layout and architectural design also respond directly and positively with the character and setting of the listed building at Wellesley Farm House.”