PLANS involving solar panels and battery storage have been put forward for the St Austell area.

The Olford family, who run East Crinnis Campsite at Par, have applied for planning permission from Cornwall Council for 114 ground-mounted solar panels.

The family states the panels would be erected in a largely unused north-east corner of the campsite which is sometimes used as a caravan holding and storage area.

The proposed solar array comprises 21 frames, with 15 frames of six panels and six frames of four panels, with an output of approximately 57 kilowatts (kW). The frames would be in three lines, approximately 38 metres in length.

The Oldfords have farmed the land at East Crinnis since the late 19th century and have established conservation areas for both wildlife and visitors to enjoy.

They state they have commissioned the solar installation to further reduce their reliance on fossil fuels after exhausting the roof spaces available on the site.

For more details of the plans, see application PA24/02765 on the council’s planning portal at

Meanwhile, a separate planning application has been submitted which involves a battery storage system on land at St Austell.

Aldustria Ltd has applied to site a 10-megawatt battery storage system and associated works including an onsite parking area and fencing on land adjacent to a Western Power electricity sub-station at Mount Stamper Road.

A planning statement says: “This proposal seeks full planning permission for the construction of a grid-connected battery energy storage system.

“In the UK, the National Grid is struggling to cope with fluctuating peaks in power demand. Energy storage utilises flexible technology to absorb surplus electricity at times of excess generation and release it when needed.

“The technology has the ability to import or export energy for seconds, minutes or hours. The system is responsive to the demand for energy and can switch from charge to discharge within seconds.”

Permission is being sought for the battery storage facility for a period of 25 years, after which time, it is anticipated, the facility would be decommissioned and replaced with more efficient technology.

The proposals comprise the installation of six battery racks, six power centre sub-stations, three transformers, a switch room and other infrastructure.

The statement adds: “The proposed development can be carried out without resulting in harm to highways, residential amenity, flood risk, the landscape or biodiversity. The benefits of the proposal significantly outweigh any perceived harm.”

For more details, see application PA24/01713 on the planning portal.

A further plan has been put forward for land off Menear Road, north of St Austell, in the Treverbyn parish.

Permission is being sought for the installation of solar panels and battery storage facilities. See PA23/09532 on the planning portal.