PLANS are being drawn up to build a roundabout along a new main road being constructed in Newquay.

Pre application advice for a proposed roundabout arrangement on the Newquay Strategic Route on land south of Chapel Stream and west of Gusti Vean Trencreek Lane to help cater for the 800 houses Hautot Developments is proposed at Chapel Gover.

AWP on behalf of Hautot Developments said: “The illustrative site plan shows a total of 800 residential dwellings, with approximately 600 and 200 dwellings accessed from the western and eastern sides of the Newquay Strategic Route respectively.

“Hautot Developments Limited have submitted a combined planning and highways pre-application submission to Cornwall Council to hopefully gain agreement in principle to construction of a four-arm roundabout on the Newquay Strategic Route within the Hautot Developments Chapel Gover development, as a replacement for the staggered T junction arrangement that was designed indicatively but not approved at outline stage.

“It is proposed that a new four-arm roundabout with a 24m inscribed circular diameter is provided on the Newquay Strategic Route within the Hautot Developments Chapel Gover development to serve as vehicular access to the proposed residential and commercial development to the east and west of the Newquay Strategic Route. The roundabout would be positioned in approximately the same area as the original staggered T junction option.

“The vehicle trip generation assessed for 800 dwellings equates to 327 two-way trips in the am and 443 trips in the pm.

“The proposed roundabout will adopt the same design principles and will therefore be highly comparable to the new Market Street three-arm roundabout that is currently being constructed. This will be located on the Newquay Strategic Route to the north of the Hautot Developments Chapel Gover development.

“The proposed roundabout is however slightly larger in size due to the need to accommodate a fourth arm, whereas the same is not required at the Market Street roundabout.

“It is concluded that the roundabout proposal can play a key role in achieving high quality design and placemaking, both of which are central to the overall vision for the Hautot Developments Chapel Gover development and the wider Nansledan development.”