A proposal for an extended gypsy and traveller site in Mid-Cornwall has been rejected by planners.

Members of Cornwall Council’s Central Sub Area Planning Committee voted unanimously against the plan for the Paddock on St Stephens Road on the outskirts of Sticker.

The planning application for six mobile homes, four day rooms, five touring caravan pitches and a plant room was turned down because of its potential impact on a rural area and on the grounds that it would be a cramped development.

The application, from Mr H Crocker, was opposed by Cllr Michael Bunney, the area’s Cornwall Councillor, and by St Mewan Parish Council.

Senior planning officer Alex Lawrey had recommended that the plan be approved with conditions attached, the site already being semi-developed.

Cllr Bunney, who called in the application for a members’ decision, told the Voice: “We won a unanimous refusal decision, due to the harm to the landscape and rural environment caused, which I am very pleased with.”

The committee, which heard that only one family lived at the Paddock at present, was shown a graphic detailing how the site would be laid out.

John Kneller, a former chairman of St Mewan Parish Council, addressed the meeting as a resident, saying that the application, if approved, would result in “severe overdevelopment”.

Mr Kneller said it would cause harm to the landscape and that the speed of vehicles on St Stephens Road was a known problem.

Cllr John Vine, the parish council vice-chairman, told the meeting: “The parish council strongly objects to the proposal. The site is wholly inappropriate for the plan.”

He said the Sticker Activity Park which is well used by children was nearby and it would be unacceptable to increase the risk to the youngsters by having more traffic, coming and going from the site, on St Stephens Road.

Cllr Bunney told the meeting that the application had “caused significant concern in the local community”.

He said that he entirely supported the concerns of local people and that the proposal was an overdevelopment which was “out of keeping with the rural nature of the area”.