A World War Two ammunitions hut could be converted into a home under plans submitted to Cornwall Council.

The hut sits on the former RAF Sennen Skewjack site at St Levan.

Applicant Tim Collingwood wants to convert the hut, the only remaining building on site, into a home. He has already undertaken some work since acquiring the building including placing a new roof on it.

RAF Sennen has an interesting history and a design and access statement submitted with the plans give some details including that it played a role in the advancement of RADAR technology in the RAF.

In the 1970s and ‘80s the base was better known as Skewjack Surfing Village and is seen as playing a key part in the history of surfing in the UK.

Under the proposals the ammunitions building would be converted into a “modest” two-bedroom home. The planning documents also highlight that this would preserve the building.

It states: “Whilst this building is a concrete, utilitarian building, which is often not considered by the council to merit conservation, in contrast, this building is a Non-Designated Heritage Asset, with considerable local history and significance which should be given significant weight in the planning balance.”

You can find more details of the plans or submit comments HERE.