A proposal to build a luxury four-storey apartment block looking over Fistral Bay in Newquay has been submitted to planners. 

The scheme would see the demolition of Surf Beach at 14 Esplanade Road next to the Fistral Beach Hotel and the construction of four flats. 

CSA Architects, on behalf of the applicant, said: “Three of the apartments have four bedrooms and the final one is a single bed.  

“The proposed four-storey apartment building is located on the footprint of the existing building. 

“The proposals look to retain and enhance the character of the surrounding area whilst creating a modern development that meets the latest residential living standards.  

“The lower three floors are finished with a natural stone plinth that projects out of the sloping site and vertical timber cladding on the northernmost elevation.  

“The upper floor is clad in the same vertical timber cladding.  

“The form and material palette of high-quality materials are complemented by crisp contemporary architectural details, and high performance standards and construction methods. 

“The proposals are consistent with the numerous properties throughout the surrounding area and look to conserve and enhance the setting.” 

Newquay Town Council’s planning committee discussed the proposals as a consultee. Councillors decided not to object to the plans after previously objecting to the applicant’s previous proposals for the site. 

Chairman Joanna Kenny said: “The apartments at 14 Esplanade Road are replacing an existing building.     

“We looked at it back in August and, while the front was acceptable as it was quite a good design with the top floor set back to make it less obtrusive, the problem was a rear extension that completely blocked the outlook of the ‘Sanctuary building’, an independent building set at right angles to the rear of No 13. 

“The architects have come back with a new design that removes the rear extension, incorporating the fourth flat within the main block.     

“We thought they had done enough to remove the problems for the rear and, therefore, no longer objected. 

“Personally, I regret the replacement of the four smaller old buildings between the Fistral Beach Hotel and Waters Edge but once permission had been given under delegated authority to rebuild Number 11, despite the committee’s objection, the redevelopment of the three remaining smaller buildings was inevitable.” 

Cornwall Council is due to have the final say on the planning application.