A councillor says the people of Hayle have been “thrown under the bus” by Cornwall Council over plans to build 60 new houses in the Cornish town. Her comments came during a discussion for a proposal which had already been approved by planners but which had to be decided again due to an administrative error.

Cornwall Council’s west area planning committee was recommended to approve the plans for the houses, including 30 per cent affordable homes, and associated access work on undeveloped land to the south of Viaduct Hill, close to Hayle Football Club.

The council’s planning department had previously been given delegated powers to approve but the whole application had to be revisited today (Monday, August 21) after an error meant Hayle Town Council wasn’t informed that the proposed development was to be presented at the June meeting, where a representative would have spoken against it.

The meeting heard that Cornwall Council’s divisional member Peter Channon shared Hayle Town Council’s concerns about wider transportation impacts if the development went ahead.

A planning officer stated that while their concerns were understood, the proposal was deemed to be acceptable following comments by National Highways and the council’s own Highway Development Management Officer.

Hayle town councillor Ann-Marie Rance told the meeting that her council strongly objected to the application, citing that any housing built on the site would not be sustainable due to a lack of infrastructure.

She added: “The problems here are as a direct result of how Cornwall councillors handled the implementation of the masterplan [Hayle Growth Concept Plan] area [and] the failure of two Cornwall Council officers to compulsory purchase the land using an equalisation payment – which would allow all the landowners to receive the same money. The power vacuum they have left behind has left a developer able to purchase all the land meant for housing, with the farmer who owns the land meant for green space left with a relatively worthless piece of land.

“Now Hayle Town Council has had representations from developers who want to build on the green space because there is nowhere else in the masterplan area available. Effectively that farmer and the people of Hayle have been thrown under the bus and the developer, who owns the majority of the land, has got a ticket to ride roughshod over us.”

Cllr Rance said: “All Hayle Town Council wants is for you to defer this application, withdraw the masterplan until Cornwall Council comes up with a proper plan with suitable support and backing to bring this area forward with all the necessary infrastructure we so desperately need.”

Cllr Channon, who represents Hayle West at Cornwall Council, said he had suggested a site visit which would “have made it very clear to members the real situation on the ground”.

He said the area suffered with a “lack of pavements and narrow lanes which are increasingly used by larger vehicles without separation for pedestrians. When you add the location of three schools in this area, the situation is becoming very serious”.

Cllr Channon argued the Hayle Growth Concept Plan was supposed to provide facilities but they “are not happening”. The plan relied on improvements to Loggans Mill roundabout, which he said had now been pulled.

Alex Graves, a planning consultant speaking on behalf of the applicants Messrs Rogers And Clark, said: “This case was put before you back in June where you gave your unanimous support. There has been no material change in circumstance since to justify a different outcome. The case is before you again due to an administrative error as the town council were not informed of the meeting date. It is important to note that the council had submitted a written objection in advance of the June committee. This was reported to members and fully considered when reaching a decision.

“Having considered the National Highways and Highway Officer comments, the proposal is considered acceptable subject to conditions. The transfer of land to facilitate a future roundabout to support the wider allocation, as well as off-site footway improvements will facilitate transport infrastructure.

“Unusually there is very little objection for a proposal of this scale. It is in a sustainable location with access to everyday services. The proposal would deliver a range of benefits – 30 per cent affordable housing, ten per cent biodiversity net gain, contributions towards transport, education, employment and open space.”

He added that the scheme provided much-needed housing in response to the housing crisis.

Cllr Loveday Jenkin said she was astounded there had not been a proper highways study on the impact on nearby Wheal Alfred Road as she believed there would be a “real impact”. She argued that it was being left to “post-development, waiting for the chaos to occur” to sort out the road system in the area.

Councillors were told they had to consider the application in isolation and it fitted all planning criteria. The committee approved the proposal with six votes for, three against and two abstentions.